We arrived in Philadelphia with much turbulence, just as we had left from Belgium. The final days of our European tour--of our 3 month, 70 show, intercontinental tour--were trying ones. 10 hour drives in a van that was leaking thick black exhaust under the rear bench left us with dirty clothes, dark boogers, and achy heads. Our spirits showed ware as well after we missed what would have been our third to last show in A Coruña, Spain. Our sincere apologies go out to anyone waited around to see us that night. Now we were only minutes away from being swaddled in the comfort and familiarity of close friends. There is no questioning that this summer will be one that makes all the others shrivel up like a raisin in comparison. Settled into our lives back at home, each new morning brings with it the reminiscence of an event, a conversation, a laugh, an ocean, a mountain, a castle, a cactus, a show, a new friend, an old friend, a face to which I cannot affix a name, a shitty party, a morning slept in, a new beer. Too much to think about all at once less I'd hope to choke. They are best delivered in small manageable doses or reserved for inspirational daydreams. Every day is like smoking a cigarette after you've conquered the world.
None of it would've been the same without the company and companionship of our dear friends, 1994! and Snowing. We shared a blinding glimpse into something that will never ever be seen again. That will never change. Looking forward to whatever comes next.
The Parrot Flies vinyl will finally be in our hands early next month month. We appreciate your relentless interest and patience. This is the first official release of our brand new very own Hot Green Records and we're still getting the kinks worked out. We'll be pressing a limited run of 100 on light green vinyl which we've decided would only be fair to distribute through a lottery system. The Parrot Flies LP is hereby available for pre-order and colored vinyl recipients will be randomly selected from these pre-orders only. Place you orders before the end of the month to be eligible for this drawing. Send $12 via Paypal to hotgreenrecords@gmail.com or concealed cash, accompanied with an e-mail (to confirm the post-marked date), to 1310 N. 5th Street 2B Philadelphia, PA 19122.
Once again, right on schedule, the Fest cometh! In liu of Algernon Cadwallader touring our way down to the shit show known as Fest 10 Joe and I will be heading down as the backing band for Philadelphia's worst kept secret known as Mike Bell & the Movies. Joe and I are the Movies! Mike and I collaborated to record his new album which we will have for sale and which you can also download here now so you know the words and stuff. Come out to the show and see if you can drink more than us. Here are the dates:
20 Philadelphia, PA @ Kung Fu Necktie w/ Hop Along and Little Black Rainclouds
21 Baltimore, MD @ Golden West Cafe w/ Sick Sick Birds and Dead Mechanical
22 Richmond, VA @ Isaac's House w/ Double Rainbow and Josh Small
23 Charlotte, NC @ Lunchbox Records w/ Pullman Strike and Blossoms
24 Atlanta, GA @ The Cottage w/ Memes
25 Birmingham, AL @ The Speakeasy w/ Mose Giganticus
26 Talahasee, FL @ The Shark Tank w/ Big Eyes
27 Tampa, FL @ Transitions Art Gallery w/ Algernon Cadwallader and more
Mike Bell & the Movies would love to play a house show at Fest if anyone knows of any. Get in touch! Burntfoot@gmail.com.
We don't say it enough. Thank you to everyone who makes this band the most important thing in our lives. We are the luckiest band on the planet because of you.